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iPhone X不如三星Note8?這回事情真相了

CNMO 【原創(chuàng)】 作者:孔六六 2017-09-19 20:03

  【手機中國 新聞】隨著iPhone X的發(fā)布,全面屏概念似乎一夜間普及到大江南北,連菜市場賣菜的大媽都能隨口對這款新品說出幾句評價。而就在iPhone X發(fā)布前,三星Note8也于早些時候在美國正式公布,兩者同為世界級大廠的年度旗艦之作,自然少不了被人進行一番比較。那么諸多外媒是怎樣對著兩款產(chǎn)品進行評價的呢?下面小編就挑選了一些較有聲量的同行,看看他們所發(fā)表的言論。

iPhone X不如三星Note8?這回事情真相了

Rivalry between Apple and Samsung in smartphones will grow fiercer, Economist

  “Samsung’s new phone is expected to win back users. It used to copy Apple’s innovations but is now often ahead on new features, says Werner Goertz of Gartner. Samsung was the first to release an OLED screen, for instance.”


  Gartner個人技術(shù)團隊研究總監(jiān)Werner Goertz認為:三星的新手機預(yù)計會贏回用戶。三星曾經(jīng)復(fù)制了蘋果的創(chuàng)新,但現(xiàn)在三星總是引領(lǐng)新的特性,例如三星第一個采用了OLED屏幕。

Here's how the iPhone X compares to the Galaxy Note 8, CNBC

  “The iPhone X doesn't come with any sort of stylus and there doesn't seem to be demand from Apple's fan base. Samsung's Note series includes an S Pen that slides into the bottom of the phone. Samsung fans love this for taking notes and sketching”

CNBC:以下是iPhone X與Galaxy Note 8的對比

  iPhone X并沒有配備任何形態(tài)的手寫筆,并且看起來蘋果的粉絲們對手寫筆并沒有需求。三星的Note系列標(biāo)配一只可以滑進手機底部的S Pen,三星的粉絲喜歡用它去做筆記和畫圖。 

iphone X Features: A leap forward for Apple but Samsung is still ahead, Independent

  “As well as beating Apple to the punch, Samsung has done a much better job of making an all-screen phone too. The X, unlike the S8, S8 Plus and Note 8, has an unusual cutout – flanked by two “ears” – at the top of the screen, which could prevent iPhone X users from ever watching videos in true fullscreen mode”

Independent :iPhone X特性匯總:蘋果的飛躍了 但三星依舊領(lǐng)先

  在獻給蘋果一記重拳的同時,三星做出了更好的全面屏手機。跟S8、S8+和Note8不同,X在屏幕上方有一個少見的缺口,缺口兩側(cè)有兩個“耳朵”,用戶使用iPhone X全屏觀看視頻時,視線將被阻擋。 

10 reasons why the Galaxy Note8 is better than the iphoneX, Phandroid

  “Two areas where the Note 8 still has the upper hand is in resolution — 2960×1440 (521 ppi) vs the iPhone X’s 2436×1125 (458 ppi) — and brightness. The Galaxy Note 8’s display reaches an astounding 1,200 nits, whereas the iPhone X only hits a meager 625 nits. That means when it comes to outdoor viewing, the Galaxy Note 8 is still king.”

Phandroid:Galaxy Note8強過iPhone X的10個理由

  以下兩方面Note8仍然占據(jù)上風(fēng)。一是屏幕的分辨率:Note 8 2960×1440 (521 ppi) vs iPhone X 2436×1125 (458 ppi) ,二是屏幕亮度:Galaxy Note 8的屏幕亮度達到令人驚嘆的1200 nits,相形之下iPhone X只有可憐的625 nits,這表示說在戶外使用手機時,Galaxy Note 8仍然是機皇。



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